Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sayang adik

Friday, October 23, 2009

Muhammad on naughty stool

Started implementing this 'time-out' method on Muhammad on Tuesday 22/10/2009. Baru sekali kami buat, dah nampak kesannya. Kerusi yang selalu dia guna utk panjat2 sana-sini, now dia tak berani pergi dekat pun... it's like the stool of no return...hehe. Because he is just 1 plus, so we put him there for 1 minute only. As expected he cried... actually I dunno why he cried because all of us were still in the room just that we ignored him. He also tried to get up once (surprisingly) but we quickly put him back he continued crying as evidenced in these photos. Cukup seminit, I called him, he salam me, I kissed him and we are all good back...playing and laughing like before.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Muhammad has finally been weaned

Well here's the thing.

Muhammad was a fully breastfed baby (besar minum susu mama aje) until he was 15 months old.

At 15 months plus, we introduced formula to him as my milk was decresing badly (it was Ramadhan) and couldn't cater for his growing needs. Alhamdulillah he loved it at the first taste.

Then, roughly at 17 months, I tried to wean him off permanently. Mainly because I was feeling lethargic with the new pregnancy and needed a good rest. By that time, he was also not very keen to nurse directly as maybe my milk tasted differently (he was making a face during feeding) and I was already at a low supply so I thought it was the best decision to make.

Alhamdulillah again, it was easy for both of us. I've read horror stories about a child who refuse to wean and life was made temporarily difficult for the mom and baby.

I've never regretted that decision. Dah tertulis rezeki dia minum susu Mama sampai setakat 17 bulan aje. He never asked again after that. Well, actually ada la sekali dua dia try selak2 baju I, tapi bila I said no, he didn't cry, but instead asked for his bottle.

Tadi I saja2 offer it to him, cradling and calling him 'baby' and brought him close to the breast...he just giggled and upon smelling the nipple, made a loud YUCK sound! Cesshh..sunggeh kureng budak ini....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Permainan terbaru saya

Masuk bawah kerusi atau meja...
Kat rumah saya suka main cam gini
Kat rumah Ibu Yati pun saya suka juga
Inilah permainan yang paling saya gemari

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saya Budak Yang Ceria

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Muhammad yg manja dan cerdik

Muhammad sekarang tgh dalam peringkat yang nakal dan lasak...panjat sana, panjat sini, throw tantrums bila tak dapat apa yg dia nak, jerit kuat2...mmg nampak ciri2 hero betul.

Dia masih menangis/meraung bila Mama hantar ke rumah Ibu Yati, the babysitter. Tapi semua tu sekejap je. Once Mama dah pergi, Ibu Yati kata elok je dia main, ketawa dengan budak2 lain. Tapi kalau tengok keadaan dia sebelum tu, mmg rasa macam tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan dia, masuk kereta je dah meraung. Mmg pandai auta betul budak ni...

He is actually manja dan cerdik. Manja sangat dengan Mama, bila dah berkepit tak mau lepas dan cerdik that he knows bila dia nangis kuat2, Mama akan jadi sedih dan kesian nak tinggalkan dia... mmg Mama kena keringkan hati je nak pi kerja tu.

He also so cerdik that he understands every single words that I say to him, Ibu Yati pun said the same thing. Pagi ni Mama dukung dia masa buka almari nak pilih baju. Mama suruh dia pilihkan baju Mama, he pulled one and showed to me, Mama said no, tak cantik. Then he pulled another one and Mama took it. Bila Mama kata jom pi gosok baju dulu, he crawled to the ironing board first. What a clever boy!

Going to be 15 months soon, he's small in size, still not yet walking, not talking and gigi baru nak tumbuh. Mmg physically he's late compared to other toddlers...but Mama is not worried a single bit as he develops just fine for me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First day

Today is Muhammad's first day at his babysitter's house.
Mama sent Muhammad at 8.30 am, stayed and let him mingle with other kids there, suap him and the kids bubur nasi, let him played again and then sneakily went out of the house. He turned, looked for me and continued eating his biscuit!

Mama dunno what happen next....can't wait to pick him up this evening to know his well being.
Please Allah, make this transition easy for both of us...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yang lembut hatinya

Anakku Muhammad ini lembut hatinya
Bila dengar orang meninggikan suara, dia akan menangis dulu
Walaupun yang dimarah itu kakak, kucing atau kami yang sekadar bergurau

Anakku Muhammad ini lunak hatinya
Bila terdengar azan di tv terpaku dia seketika
Seolah kalimah 'Muhammad' yang dilaung itu adalah untuknya

Anakku Muhammad ini suka sekali mendengar Selawat Syifa'
Kadang menangis dia terdiam
Kadang bermain dia terpaku
Kadang mengantuk, dia melelapkan mata

Tak rugilah Mama dan Papa namakanmu Muhammad sayang...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Assalamualaikum Muhammad Momo

Papa baru create blog Muhammad ni sebab kakak Ayesha pun ada blog dia sendiri, jadi Muhammad pun kena ada blog sendiri. Papa dan Mama akan cuba tulis kisah2 hidup Muhammad dari kecil sampai besar. Bila Muhammad dah besar macam kakak nanti, Muhammad boleh baca dan tengok keletah Muhammad yang buat Papa, Mama dan Kakak sangat bahagia.

Sebenarnya, Mama dah simpan jurnal Muhammad dalam blog Mama, semenjak Muhammad dilahirkan lagi. Ini linknya :

Nanti Mama tulis lagi disini.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Name is Muhammad

Born during the day of Maulid Rasulullah SAW 1430 hijriah. I am Muhammad too.
Now i am 13 months.

I will bring the memories, burn the spirit of nabawiyyah aqidah and jihad, recite the stories of the glory days of Hayatur Rasulullah and Hayatus Sahabah.
“Seandainya sekumpulan umat manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan kemanfaatan bagimu kepadamu, nescaya mereka tidak dapat memberikan kemanfaatan bagimu kecuali dengan apa yang Allah telah tetapkan untukmu. Dan sebaliknya, jika mereka semuanya berkumpul untuk memudaratkanmu nescaya mereka tidak dapat menimpakan kemudaratan tersebut kecuali dengan sesuatu yang telah Allah tetapkan atasmu. Telah diangkat pena dan telah kering lembaran-lembaran (catatan takdir)”
Hadith riwayat. Imam At-Tirmidzi dalam Shahih Sunan At-Tirmidzi dan Al-Misykat